
Steamweb unhandled exception 503: server unavailable

lukasgolson opened this issue · 1 comments

steambot seems to be unable to connect to steam in the current version, bringing up error 503: server unavailable in SteamWeb.cs on line 141 whenever the bot is launched

(Replaced file path with -path-)
System.Net.WebException HResult=0x80131509 Message=The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable. Source=System StackTrace: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at SteamTrade.SteamWeb.Request(String url, String method, NameValueCollection data, Boolean ajax, String referer, Boolean fetchError) in -path-\SteamTrade\SteamWeb.cs:line 141 at SteamTrade.SteamWeb.Fetch(String url, String method, NameValueCollection data, Boolean ajax, String referer, Boolean fetchError) in -path-\SteamTrade\SteamWeb.cs:line 70 at SteamTrade.Inventory.FetchInventory(UInt64 steamId, String apiKey, SteamWeb steamWeb) in -path-\SteamTrade\Inventory.cs:line 25 at SteamBot.UserHandler.<GetOtherInventory>b__15_0() in -path-\SteamBot\UserHandler.cs:line 72 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task 1.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

My fix was wrapping a try block around it which the return statement below it had but not this one (Line 141 SteamWeb.cs)

-edit fix did not work I just stopped getting 503's for a bit-