
Creating a pypandoc-binary

AbdealiLoKo opened this issue · 3 comments

I have been using pypandoc for a while now, and I always create a .whl with pandoc present in it as it's much easier to use.

It would be great if this package can hev:

  • pypandoc
  • pypandoc-binary
    packages in pypi.

Somewhat like how the pysqlite3 project does it:


That would help a lot for folks who just want to get a working version of pandoc directly without mucking around with system level dependencies.

This is a good idea.
I see 2 ways to do this:

  • Do it you suggested, with 2 different versions
  • Or by using extras so it becomes pip install pypandoc[binary] or poetry add pypandoc -E binary (or binaries)

What do you think?

I don't mind either.
But I'm not sure how the extras one would work.
As my understanding is that extras can only add additional "extra_requires" which adds extra dependencies.

Atleast I'm not aware if it can also have extra files.
So maybe for both cases a pypandoc-binary could be required which is then added to a extra_requires ?

I like the pypandoc_binaries option then.

The following would need to be done (at least)

  • Make and file.
  • This would also give us the chance to clean up the regular file, since download_pandoc wouldn't be required in the smaller version.
  • Update the CI scripts

Do let me know if you think I've missed something