
Platform architecture of ARM Linux system can be aarch64

aditya-qure opened this issue · 6 comments

processor_architecture = "arm" if platform.uname()[4].startswith("arm") else "amd"

$ python
>>> import platform
>>> platform.architecture()
('64bit', '')
>>> platform.uname()
uname_result(system='Linux', node='6407f0ca881a', release='5.4.0-1066-aws', version='#69~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 9 15:39:21 UTC 2022', machine='aarch64')
>>> platform.uname()[4]

ARM 64 linux is also available here:

It's a small change and will be willing to send a PR. Thanks in advance.

@adityaQure I would love a pr fixing this. Feel free to work on it :)

@JessicaTegner Hi, I want to contribute to this. I have created a pull request as well to save your time.

Hi, can you assign this to me and check my PR. The other PR didn't count towards my hacktoberfest contribution.

@hey24sheep after doing some investigation, I figured out why.
I turns out that hacktoberfest only counts prs made after the 1st.

You are more than welcome to open more prs, as they should be counted from now on out :)

@JessicaTegner :/ sad. So, can I close my PR and re-create it?

@hey24sheep indeed you can :) But I don't know how they take to that. But your call :)