
pandoc version compatibility - suggested version for EPEL8

opoplawski opened this issue · 1 comments

We're looking to package pypandoc for EPEL8 - see
EPEL8 has pandoc 2.0.6. pypandoc 1.6.4 builds fine and the tests succeed. However 1.7.4 fails with:

FAIL: test_conversion_error (__main__.TestPypandoc)
RuntimeError: Pandoc died with exitcode "2" during conversion: Unknown option --blah.
Try pandoc --help for more information.
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 367, in test_conversion_error
AssertionError: "Pandoc died with exitcode "6" during conversion: Unknown option --blah" does not match "Pandoc died with exitcode "2" during conversion: Unknown option --blah.
Try pandoc --help for more information.

Not sure how serious this is or if it indicates we might see other incompatibilities with the version of pandoc in EL8. Can you shed some like and make a suggestion for an appropriate version of pypandoc for EPEL8? Thanks.

Hmm... Interesting. Can you confirm that pypandoc > 1.7x uses the correct version pf pandoc. Also I hope you aren't actually trying to use an argument called "--blah". But in anycase, it looks like, that the argument doesn't exist