
The Fields do not keep their initial values if they're default value

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We'd like to keep the default values for the fields in the code. This is due to the integrity checking of the code for another SDK vendor.

When, this:

.field static a:Landroid/content/SharedPreferences; = null

.field static b:Z = false

.field private static c:Landroid/media/MediaPlayer; = null

.field private static d:Landroid/media/MediaPlayer; = null

.field private static e:Landroid/media/MediaPlayer; = null

.field private static f:Landroid/media/MediaPlayer; = null

.field private static g:Z = false


.field static a:Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;

.field static b:Z

.field private static c:Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;

.field private static d:Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;

.field private static e:Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;

.field private static f:Landroid/media/MediaPlayer;

.field private static g:Z

The SDK is throwing a repackaging exception and complains about the code being changed.

Is it possible to disable deleting the initialisations? Or at least to have an option to disable it?