Gracefully handle 404
Opened this issue ยท 10 comments
First, thanks for making the great addon. ๐
Recently, I got the following error when I pressed the link component(react-router-dom
Unexpected Application Error!
404 Not Found
๐ฟ Hey developer ๐
You can provide a way better UX than this when your app throws errors by providing your own ErrorBoundary or errorElement prop on your route.
I hope the click action will be shown in the React Router
tap without any error.
I make a repository about this error. So you can see the error when you run the repository.
I executed the following commands to make the repository.
npx create-react-app error --template=typescript
npm install --save react-router-dom storybook storybook-addon-react-router-v6
npx storybook init
And modified the files.
- .storybook/main.ts
addons: [
import type { Preview } from '@storybook/react';
import { withRouter } from 'storybook-addon-react-router-v6';
const preview: Preview = {
decorators: [withRouter],
parameters: {
I would really appreciate it if you could solve the problem or tell me how to solve it. ๐
Hello @dev-yakuza , this has nothing to do with the addon. You navigate to a page that does not exists, so you get an error from react-router
. Isn't it what you would expect ?
Hello @dev-yakuza , this has nothing to do with the addon. You navigate to a page that does not exists, so you get an error from
. Isn't it what you would expect ?
I expect it as follows.
I mean when I click the link, Navigate to
object is shown on the React Router
panel instead of navigating the the real page.
Before, I think this addon supports it. ๐ค
This is my old repository.
And I can get the Navigate to
object without any error.
There was a lot of magic happening in v1
It created too much entropy and the add-on became unstable and hard to maintain.
For this reason I am very hesitant to add features that do thing on behalf of the user.
If we manage to define a clear scope, I will be willing to add this feature.
My first thoughts are :
Implement a parameter defaultRouting
The defaultRouting
will be merged with routing
. It allows to set the default routing in preview.ts
for example.
From there we can offer a helper that return a catch all route that displays a simple component with a link to go back.
It's simple and it does not impede user's configuration.
@JesusTheHun Would be nice to have an usage of defaultRouting
parameter. I haven't found it documented anywhere ๐ค
Here is what I came up with
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import {
type ReactRouterAddonStoryParameters,
} from 'storybook-addon-react-router-v6';
export const withDefaultRouting = (params: {
routing: { path: string };
location: ReactRouterAddonStoryParameters['location'];
}) => {
return reactRouterParameters({
location: {
path: params.routing.path,
routing: [
path: params.routing.path,
useStoryElement: true,
path: '*',
element: <Link to={params.routing.path}>404, Go back</Link>,
and then I just use that in my Story parameters like so
parameters: {
reactRouter: withDefaultRouting({ routing: { path: '/some-path/:withParam' }, location: {
pathParams: 'paramValue' } })
I think what this really needs is just some examples of a story setup with navigation elements. I was running into this same issue when writing stories for a nav menu, just a simple sidebar with NavLinks that's shown on every page. Any time I clicked a link it would crash. It took me some testing to figure out what configuration I actually needed, and the documentation was not very helpful in this regard.
In the end I settled on this:
parameters: {
reactRouter: reactRouterParameters({
routing: {
useStoryElement: true,
path: "*",
I think a few example scenarios and their stories would be a big help for anyone using this plugin. Off the top of my head some useful candidates would be:
- A nav menu
- A component that links to a different path
- A component that renders different children based on the path
I'm happy to put together a pull request with these examples if I can figure out how to set them up.
@EPurwanto those examples are helpful indeed. It would be nice to also have a test to validate it works as expected. Is this something you can do ?
if I can figure out how to set them up
What do you need to figure out exactly ? I would be happy to help you with it.
Last time I used React Router was v4, and Storybook was v6, so all of it lol. I'll basically be building all of those examples for work, so once I've done that I should be able to throw together some simple example stories. Probably in a week or so.
Can't promise unit tests with it, as I haven't done a lot of tests for frontend, but I'll see how I go.