
Unable to import course archive

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When trying to import ZIP course archive, PyCharm Edu fails if the archive file is not writable by current user. This is obvious bug, since by default all the courses are created with 644 mode during export. Either change export file mode or fix the import bug that requires zip file to be writable.

How to replicate issue(macOS): generate simple course in Educator mode with user "john", export course archive, verify that exported archive file protection mask is default 644. Login as user "bob", start PyCharm Edu in Learner mode, try to import zip archive generated by "john". Application will fail, claiming that the archive doesn't contain valid course.

Switch back to "john" user, change zip file permissions to 666, switch to "bob" again and attempt course import again - everything will work fine now.

Should you need more information, please contact me on dawid.buchwald at

Hi @dbuchwald!
I've created an issue in our tracker