
Java files not accessible in Kotlin Course for Learner

marcelmatula opened this issue · 1 comments

There is possible to add java files into task in Kotlin course in Teacher mode
however such java files are excluded when running course in learner mode.

When I want to create task where I want to practice conversion Java code to Kotlin and do proper adjustment with converted java code - it is not possible. I can only put java code inside html doc for Task description which is not good at all.

Also task for Java <-> Kotlin interop are not possible to do without putting java files into Kotlin Course.

Could you allow placing Java files into Kotlin Course so they will be accessible/visible also in imported course for learner?

I find a way how to handle it:

  • create java file for instance in src dir (it will be excluded)
  • open taks-info.yaml and add into files section
- name: src/
  visible: true