
Customize module type

jk1 opened this issue · 11 comments

jk1 commented

I'd like to customize Intellij module type. Is it something, that's currently possible to achieve with the plugin?

not at the moment. What exactly would you like to customize?

Most of the time, Intellij should be smart enough to pick up module type by itself.

jk1 commented

I'd like to get "documentation" as a module type. This is necessary for Stardust documentation IDE plugin to pick up the sources correctly later on.

Is it possible to implement w/o additional changes on Intellij side? I'm thinking of contributing it if you don't mind.

jk1 commented

I believe so. @rayshade as a plugin author can comment more on that.

I guess, plugin could provide such customization with corresponding support from Idea 2018.3

also requested by gradle/gradle#10162

Implemented plugin code.
IDEA support is pending and planned in 2020.3 (see IDEA ticked above)

jk1 commented

Thanks for implementing it. Can't wait to try it out.

Where is this documented?

FWIW I verified that add:

idea {
    module {
        settings {
            rootModuleType = 'PYTHON_MODULE'

to the build.gradle of a Python subproject results in its module being marked as a Python module.