
Windows line endings cause errors in MSYS

beta opened this issue · 3 comments

beta commented

When running konanc (instead of konanc.bat) in MSYS, it throws a lot of errors when executing this code:

for VAR in `cat "${KONAN_HOME}/tools/env_blacklist"`; do
    unset $VAR

The errors are:

': not a valid identifierows-0.7/bin/run_konan: line 76: unset: `ADDITIONAL_SDKS
': not a valid identifierows-0.7/bin/run_konan: line 76: unset: `APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY
': not a valid identifierows-0.7/bin/run_konan: line 76: unset: `ARCHS
': not a valid identifierows-0.7/bin/run_konan: line 76: unset: `ARCHS_STANDARD
': not a valid identifierows-0.7/bin/run_konan: line 76: unset: `ARCHS_STANDARD_32_64_BIT
': not a valid identifierows-0.7/bin/run_konan: line 76: unset: `ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT
': not a valid identifierows-0.7/bin/run_konan: line 76: unset: `ARCHS_STANDARD_64_BIT
': not a valid identifierows-0.7/bin/run_konan: line 76: unset: `ARCHS_STANDARD_INCLUDING_64_BIT
': not a valid identifierows-0.7/bin/run_konan: line 76: unset: `ARCHS_UNIVERSAL_IPHONE_OS
': not a valid identifierows-0.7/bin/run_konan: line 76: unset: `CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL

IMHO this is related to the line endings of file env_blacklist. After I switched from Windows line endings (CRLF) to Unix endings (LF only), the errors are gone.

Could you please check if #1683 helps?

beta commented

It still doesn't work with CRLF endings, throwing me the same errors.

Oops, please try this way.