
Erroneous remove parens hint

bartelink opened this issue · 2 comments

Using Rider 2021.3.2 on Mac x64, I followed two hints to remove parens (on active patterns) without paying attention, and it broke my build.

The second one is [obviously] correct, but the first one changed the meaning - the build is fixed when I undo both:


The second removal is fine when applied on its own:


When the suggestion is applied, the function signature as surfaced by Rider changes from:




when the change is applied.

Producing a more minimal repro may not be trivial - a key contributing factor may be the fact that the codebase is an uber-messy dotnet new template, and I need to manually flip the ifdef on L19 in that file for Rider to show the code. In other words, I imagine its possible that the logic may be working based on best effort heuristics, so I'm comfortable with closing this unless it's symptomatic of an obvious thing that can also arise in normal code. (I'll be on alert for simpler repros for as long as this remains open)

@bartelink Thanks for reporting it! It's just been fixed in b0c91a4.

Wonderful, thanks for the speedy work!