
Provide documentation on how to dump PSI to a file

dawedawe opened this issue · 6 comments

I just learned from a more experienced colleague how to use the FSharpParserTest._ test to dump the PSI of _.fs to a file.
This was quite helpful to make a bit of progress in an issue I'm working on.

Would you be interested in adding documentation for that? If so, I'd be happy to do a PR for this.

Hi @dawedawe,

Yes, by all means open a PR with additional documentation. It would be nice to cover things that you found useful to know.

Speaking about dumping a PSI tree, it would be nice to add an internal action to dump a tree, similar to these. It would call the same helper as ParserTestBase to get the textual representation and it would make checking the tree structure even easier. Is it something that you could also be interested in doing?

if you have any questions about the plugin, please write me on Slack anytime too

Sounds great, thanks. I'll try to come up with something.
Where on slack can I find you?

I'm @auduchinok on F# Slack

Oh well, I'm still waiting for my access there :(
Meanwhile, I messaged you on Discord, hope that's okay.

The action has been added.