
Dynamic Properties

triplem opened this issue · 1 comments

I would like to store Metadata from external sources in Xodus by using dnq. Me is pretty new to both, so I do appreciate any feedback.
Since the Data is from external sources, I do know some of the fields I need to store, but not all. Therefore I want to store those additional properties as a Map on the entity. Is this possible using dnq?
I was thinking along the lines of a link to a generic entity, but then I am unable to use dnq to fetch this entity using dnq.

You can declare XdEntity with known properties/links and delegate setting/getting unknown properties to entity field:

class XdMetaModel(entity: Entity) : XdEntity(entity) {
   companion object : XdNaturalEntityType() {
      fun findBy(unknownPropertyName: String, value: String?) : XdQuery<XdMetaModel>{
         return XdMetaModel.all().query(PropertyEqual(unknownPropertyName, value))

   var knownField by xdStringProp()
   var knownLink by xdLink0_1(XdMetaModel)

   fun getProperty(name: String, value: String?): String? {
      entity.getProperty(name) as String?

   fun addProperty(name: String, value: String?) {
      entity.setProperty(name, value)

As you can see finding by unknown properties/links requires using low-level api with PropertyEqual and LinkEqual classes.