
webcamxp not working

absurdcode0 opened this issue · 4 comments

sfw search webcamXP
× Get data from API failed

sfw search webcamXP --debug=True
× Get data from API failed
<class 'shodan.exception.APIError'>

Hello, sorry for not working on this project for a long time. I've updated this repo with grpc support and switched to a new
installation method(similar to sherlock).

First, please reinstall this project with the new method( see the new README )

On my local machine, searching for webcamXP currently works. Nevertheless, try switching on --debug=True again and see what happens(in the current version I've add more traceback for bug tracking.)

Had the same problem. Now i get × Get data from API failed because I have free account ?

C:\Users\Battery poof\scan-for-webcams>python sfw search webcamXP --debug=True
beginning scan...
loc:True, check_empty:True, tag:True
× Get data from API failed
<class 'shodan.exception.APIError'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Battery poof\scan-for-webcams\sfw\", line 97, in scan
    results =
  File "C:\Users\Battery poof\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\shodan\", line 513, in
    return self._request('/shodan/host/search', args)
  File "C:\Users\Battery poof\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\shodan\", line 336, in
    raise APIError(error)
shodan.exception.APIError: Please upgrade your API plan to use filters or paging. 

Hello~ My Shodan search query for webcamXP is currently product:webcamXP, which Shodan might not support for free accounts.
I'm working on supporting webcamXP for free accounts. For a quick fix, edit sfw/cams.json and change search_q in on the webcamXP field to webcamXP

Closed due to inactivity.