
Rebuild process doesn't succeed

Closed this issue ยท 9 comments


  • OS: Pop OS 21.04
  • nody-greeter version: 1.2.1

Bug description

Running install instructions in npm run rebuild phase fails

Steps to reproduce

  • Clone repository at 5cbd3ac
  • Install dependencies and using node v17.0.1
  • run npm install
  • run npm run rebuild

Expected behavior

Rebuild step completes successfully to continue installation process.



Currently, node-gtk does not support Node.js v17.

Supported Node.js versions: 12, 14, 15, 16 (other versions should work but are untested)

So, I recommend to downgrade to some of the Node.js supported versions and try again.

maybe put some badge in the README, like nodejs lts for troubleshooting purpose.
i will try again with the new version in a while.

It works fine in PopOS 21.04 with node v16.13.0 (npm v8.1.0)

Doesn't work for me, results in the same issue. I've tried v15.14.0, v16.13.0, v16.13.1, and v16.4.2. None work. I'm on Arch with kernel 5.15-7.

@wiggleforlife Is your log the same? If not, could you provide it?

My apologies, it's gone and worked now that it's the next day. This time, I have web-greeter installed. I didn't see that in the README, but is it required?

Glad it worked! But nope, web-greeter and nody-greeter are independent projects, no one requires the other.

With nvm you can install and run any version of nodejs in parallel :

I had the same issue and as far as I can tell gobject-introspection is not a dependency of lightdm (anymore?) (or anything else which is installed).
Because after installing gobject-introspection manually everything worked fine.
But it is a dependency of web-greeter, thus fixing the issue when installing web-greeter.