
Running as root breaks, working fine as normal user

evergreenbear opened this issue · 10 comments


  • OS: Void Linux
  • web-greeter version: 3.3.0

Bug description

Running web-greeter --debug as normal user works fine, but there is an error saying "QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QWidget" when running with escalated privileges. This causes LightDM to infinitely loop.

Steps to reproduce

Run "web-greeter --no-sandbox" or "web-greeter --debug" as root.

Expected behavior

web-greeter would work while running as root.



Reinstalled with the latest commit, I'm now getting "Could not find QtWebEngineProcess" when running as root.

How did you install web-greeter? void-packages should work.

I installed it by cloning the github repo and running sudo make install

Well, I mean, which packages did you install?

The following should do it:

sudo xbps-install python3-PyQt5 python3-PyQt5-webengine python3-ruamel.yaml python3-gobject python3-xlib python3-inotify python3-PyQt5-devel-tools qt5-webengine

Looks like I was missing ruamel and inotify system-wide, but after installing them it still can't find QtWebEngineProcess

Hmm, that's weird. Did you install these packages with PIP? If you did, you could try to uninstall them and just rely on void packages.

The QtWebEngineProcess should be inside /usr/lib/qt5/libexec/QtWebEngineProcess, from the qt5-webengine package; you can find it with xbps-query -f qt5-webengine | grep -i process. Maybe, try to reinstall web-greeter's packages.

After reinstalling the packages, I'm getting a new error:
/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/PyQt5/ undefined symbol: _ZdlPvm, version Qt_5

See the Import errors section of the README. Perhaps, you could try reinstalling qt5-webchannel and python3-PyQt5-webchannel.

Reinstalled, same issue.

Well, there's no much I could do about it. Reinstalling is the only solution to this kind of problem: remove related PIP packages inside /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ and ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/, and reinstall with xbps-install --force. If it doesn't work, maybe you should create an issue either in void-packages or Qt.

However, after doing a little research, seems like the problem comes from the python3 Qt libraries, with the next possibilities:

  • They weren't compiled to your current Python version.
  • You did upgrade Python, but Qt libraries weren't recompiled.
  • Root and user have different libraries or a different Python version (maybe homebrew or other services are interfering)

So, you could try to recompile your Python libraries (though I don't know how to do it), or reinstall all Python Qt related libraries.