
"readfile" and "writefile" does not seem to work

Closed this issue · 13 comments

I am either doing something wrong or the plugins readfile and writefile gsc options does not work. I get unknown function error when adding the functions to my gsc script. Any help would be appreciated.

Code seems to be there.

These were removed; you can use the plutonium's implementation of filewrite and fileread

if plutonium's functions dont work well enough for you, I can add a fileio interface to this plugin

These were removed; you can use the plutonium's implementation of filewrite and fileread

Is there any documentation about the plutonium ones? I have never heard of them and have no idea if they work same way as the t6/t5 plugin functions.

By any change you could add the setclantag and setname from t6 gsc utils? I saw some one asking it for t5 utils aswell.

if plutonium's functions dont work well enough for you, I can add a fileio interface to this plugin

Small script i tested with and no output was written. I might be doing something wrong ofcourse but that is pretty much t5/t6 plugin handled it.

#include maps\_utility; 
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_hud_util;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
    file = getDvar("fs_homepath") + "\\test.txt";
    filewrite(file, "Hello");
    wait 15;
    get_players()[0] iPrintLn(file);

you dont need to append the fs_homepath for the filename

you dont need to append the fs_homepath for the filename

That was to ensure the path but there is no output even without it.

I have not found anyway to get the plutonium's implementation of filewrite and fileread work. Could anyone help me with that or add the functions to the plugin?

I will write the new functions here soon

One limitation is that all fileio MUST take place in the scriptdata folder

Thank you for adding these functions.

This still give unknown function error when adding filehandle = fs_fopen("test.txt", "write"); to my gsc or any other of the functions.

@ineedbots Am i doing somethign wrong since in console it says plugin loaded but the custom gsc functions does not work when joining server.

(Issue on my end. server and client tried both load plugin functions )