Link to Notebook: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1NpuGXwu9Kq4juCpEn0v0hdJ4x73vmFp9?usp=sharing
Dataset containing transactions between people
- Exploring supervised machine learning algorithms
- Learning how to build classication models
- Exploring and analysing large datasets
- Improving python programming
- Building a classification Model which can distinguish fraud transactions.
- Classification is the process of predicting a category of given data points.
- For example, spam detection in email service providers.
- Credit approval
- Medical diagnoses
- It involves utilizing a mapping function (f) from input variables (x) to generate discrete output variables (y) for example yes or no.
- Classification belongs to supervised learning where answers are provided with the input data.
- Building a classification Model which can distinguish fraud transactions.
- Importing python packages
- Importing data
- Processing data
- Exploratory Analysis
- Feature selection and Data split
- Learning and building classification models
- Decision Tree
- K - Nearest Neighbor
- Logistic Regression
- Random Forest Tree
- XGBoost
- Evaluation
- Google Colab
- Python
https://medium.com/codex/credit-card-fraud-detection-with-machine-learning-in-python-ac7281991d87 -Project Guide
https://towardsdatascience.com/machine-learning-classifiers-a5cc4e1b0623 -machine leaning classifiers
https://www.kaggle.com/mlg-ulb/creditcardfraud - The Dataset used
https://www.kdnuggets.com/2020/04/data-transformation-standardization-normalization.html - Learning about data standardization/normalisation under feature scaling.
https://www.bitdegree.org/learn/train-test-split - learning more about train_test_split function
https://youtu.be/P2NqrFp8usY - understanding training and testing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MufPx3L7nXM&t=954s - Intro to Machine Learning with Python 3: Train Test and Base Modelling
https://youtu.be/NU-nSh6xE3o - Decision Tree Regression
https://towardsdatascience.com/decision-tree-classifier-explained-in-real-life-picking-a-vacation-destination-6226b2b60575 - Decision Tree Classifier
- https://youtu.be/u4IxOk2ijSs - Gini impurity index
https://youtu.be/UR2ag4lbBtc - K Nearest Neighbour explained
https://youtu.be/yIYKR4sgzI8 - Logistical regression
https://youtu.be/jbluHIgBmBo - Logistical regression (more related to project)
https://youtu.be/Lpr__X8zuE8 - A friendly introduction into Support Vector Machines
https://youtu.be/Y6RRHw9uN9o - SVMs Fun machine learning
Version Control (MS WORD DOCUMENT):
Date | Change/Addition |
14/08/2021 | Reading around projects and drawing outlines |
16/08/2021 | Adding notes and sources |
18/08/2021 | Adding notes and sources |
19/09/2021 | Google Colab link added |