n_feats and block_feats for x4
bensuucar opened this issue · 2 comments
bensuucar commented
Hi, Jiahui,
I am trying to implement wdsr_a with the scale 4. I would like to compare its performance with EDSR( # of residual blocks = 32, n_feats = 256). In this case, what would be your recommendation to set n_feats and block_feats?
Currently I am using wdsr_a with n_feats 128 and block_feats 512. However I am not sure if it is the intended approach while constructing the network.
JiahuiYu commented
Hi, @bensuucar, you are correct - n_feats 128 and block_feats 512 is a good choice, compared with EDSR of channel number 256.
qingchuanhuajuan commented
Hi @bensuucar ,I want to know what the PSNR value of the x4 model you are running on the standard dataset (eg.Set5, Set14, B100...)? How long have you been training? Thank you!