
Question about Discriminative RoI Pooling

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Firstly, thank you for such a greate work. But I have a little problem when I reading your code. In the paper I know that the Discriminative RoI pooling create the Weighted RoI feature with F~ =W(F)⊙ F. But In your code the Weighted RoI feature is created by return F.avg_pool2d(x * weight, kernel, stride, padding) / F.avg_pool2d(weight, kernel, stride, padding).
I don't know why do it divide by F.avg_pool2d(weight, kernel, stride, padding)

@cookchicken Thanks for your interest. It is used for normalization.

@cookchicken Thanks for your interest. It is used for normalization.

@cookchicken Thanks for your interest. It is used for normalization.