
Warning: No ImageNet pretrain!!

ChenZikang66 opened this issue · 0 comments

When I run the demo.py , I get this error, I don't find a solution, can you please help me?
python demo.py tracking,ddd --dataset nuscenes --load_model ../models/nuscenes.pth --demo ../videos/nuscenes_mini.mp4 --pre_hm --track_thresh 0.1 --inference --clip_len 2 --trades --save_video --resize_video --input_h 448 --input_w 800 --test_focal_length 633
/home/b308/anaconda3/envs/trades/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/utils/linear_assignment_.py:21: DeprecationWarning: The linear_assignment_ module is deprecated in 0.21 and will be removed from 0.23. Use scipy.optimize.linear_sum_assignment instead.
Running tracking
Using tracking threshold for out threshold! 0.1
Fix size testing.
training chunk_sizes: [32]
input h w: 448 800
heads {'hm': 10, 'reg': 2, 'wh': 2, 'dep': 1, 'rot': 8, 'dim': 3, 'amodel_offset': 2}
weights {'hm': 1, 'reg': 1, 'wh': 0.1, 'dep': 1, 'rot': 1, 'dim': 1, 'amodel_offset': 1, 'cost_volume': 1.0}
head conv {'hm': [256], 'reg': [256], 'wh': [256], 'dep': [256], 'rot': [256], 'dim': [256], 'amodel_offset': [256]}
Creating model...
Using node type: (<class 'model.networks.dla.DeformConv'>, <class 'model.networks.dla.DeformConv'>)
Warning: No ImageNet pretrain!!
loaded ../models/nuscenes.pth, epoch 35