
own datasets

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Has anyone successfully used their own data set?
Currently using your own data set has the following problems

螢幕快照 2024-02-20 18:28:05

The label box is incorrect,I use labelimg for labeling



Did you prepare the dataset following my dataset label? Could you provide your own dataset more details, please? I think the problem from data augment. In my mind, I changed some data augment parts to fit the multi-tasks.

Did you prepare the dataset following my dataset label? Could you provide your own dataset more details, please? I think the problem from data augment. In my mind, I changed some data augment parts to fit the multi-tasks.

Hello, resetting the data set according to your format requirements solved this problem.

Did you prepare the dataset following my dataset label? Could you provide your own dataset more details, please? I think the problem from data augment. In my mind, I changed some data augment parts to fit the multi-tasks. imageHello, first of all, thank you very much for your work. According to your program configuration, why did you report this error? Is it the reason of data enhancement?

Did you prepare the dataset following my dataset label? Could you provide your own dataset more details, please? I think the problem from data augment. In my mind, I changed some data augment parts to fit the multi-tasks. imageHello, first of all, thank you very much for your work. According to your program configuration, why did you report this error? Is it the reason of data enhancement?

I didn't report this error. I am not sure what you mean. Could give me more information about your question? I think you have successfully implemented the project with your dataset, right?

Did you prepare the dataset following my dataset label? Could you provide your own dataset more details, please? I think the problem from data augment. In my mind, I changed some data augment parts to fit the multi-tasks. imageHello, first of all, thank you very much for your work. According to your program configuration, why did you report this error? Is it the reason of data enhancement?您是否按照我的数据集标签准备了数据集?您能提供更多详细信息吗?我认为问题来自数据增强。在我的脑海中,我更改了一些数据增强部件以适应多任务。 image 您好,首先,非常感谢您的工作。根据您的程序配置,您为什么报告此错误?是数据增强的原因吗?

I didn't report this error. I am not sure what you mean. Could give me more information about your question? I think you have successfully implemented the project with your dataset, right?我没有报告此错误。我不确定你的意思。可以给我更多关于你的问题的信息吗?我认为您已经成功地用您的数据集实现了该项目,对吧?

Did you prepare the dataset following my dataset label? Could you provide your own dataset more details, please? I think the problem from data augment. In my mind, I changed some data augment parts to fit the multi-tasks. imageHello, first of all, thank you very much for your work. According to your program configuration, why did you report this error? Is it the reason of data enhancement?

I didn't report this error. I am not sure what you mean. Could give me more information about your question? I think you have successfully implemented the project with your dataset, right?

Thank you very much for your reply, I double-checked my dataset label file and there was a wrong label in it, and it was resolved after re-modifying the dataset label file!
pycharm64_rvKBt3gX9V Successfully run after modification!