
Flick Stick problem

SylvaDeer opened this issue · 7 comments

Im new to Flick Stick and Gyro but i've ran into a problem with the Flick Stick controls on my ds4 in Overwatch. When i tilt the stick 180°, in game, my camera turns 360° (for instance when i want to look behind me, i have to either tilt my stick to the left or right due to tilting behind just spinning me into looking the same way). Is this an easy fix in the console or is it a problem with the way joyshockmapper interacts with Overwatch?

Hi! Can you confirm that in your Overwatch config you have IN_GAME_SENS set to the same value as your mouse sensitivity setting in game, and your REAL_WORLD_CALIBRATION is 151.5?

i can verify that, i made extra sure that i didnt have any different sensitivity settings with the hero i was using in relation to the value i put into joyshockmapper, also as it stated on gyrowiki i put REAL_WORLD_CALIBRATION as 151.5.

That's weird. I just gave it a go myself, and my settings are working fine. I play with a sens of 6 and my IN_GAME_SENS is 6, too. Same RWC as you're using.

You don't have "COUNTER_OS_MOUSE_SPEED" in your config, do you?

Originally i didnt have anything in my config relating to os mouse speed and i had this problem, so i added in IGNORE_OS_MOUSE_SPEED as the gyrowiki suggested and it made no difference. the only difference it seems is that my IN_GAME_SENS is set to 15 in my config and game settings instead of 6 like yours. but as i understand it that shouldnt make a difference.

Hmmm. I tried playing with your sensitivity, but still can't reproduce the problem. I'll think on it some more, but for now I have no idea!

I still have no clue whats going on with this but it seems like theres a problem with my laptop, for some reason the stick inputs are twice as sensitive as they should be on all games and with all controllers, i noticed this when i played warframe with my xbox controller the other day and despite being on around 15 stick sensitivity my right stick flew around the screen at speeds that shouldnt be possible...

Also when out of games, using the right stick as horizontal mouse movements, when i do a 180 turn it moves the full length of the screen