
Doesn't work with multiple APIs that have different return values

Closed this issue · 2 comments

davej commented

If I add multiple invoke APIs that have different return values then I get the following typescript error:

Type 'Promise<string | void>' is not assignable to type 'Promise<void>'.

Here is a reproducible example:

import './style.css';
import { GetApiType, ipcRenderer } from 'electron-typescript-ipc';

export type Api = GetApiType<
    getDataFromStore: (str: string) => Promise<string>;
    openUrlInBrowser: (str: string) => Promise<void>;
    showAlert: (text: string, num: number) => Promise<void>;

declare global {
  interface Window {
    myAPI: Api;

const api: Api = {
  invoke: {
    getDataFromStore: async (key: string) => {
      return await ipcRenderer.invoke<Api>('getDataFromStore', key);
    openUrlInBrowser: async (key: string) => {
      return await ipcRenderer.invoke<Api>('openUrlInBrowser', key);
  on: {
    showAlert: (listener) => {
      ipcRenderer.on<Api>('showAlert', listener);

And here is a codesandbox link (ignore the runtime error because obviously this isn't in an electron environment): https://codesandbox.io/s/practical-river-u5njd?file=/src/index.ts

This issue still persists, would you be able to look into it? @JichouP

@davej @pauliusuza
Thank you very much for your report, and I apologize for the long delay.

Thanks to the help of @sapphi-red , I think this Issue has been fixed at v3.0.0!
Instead of exporting the ipcRenderer function, the createIpcRenderer function is exported. Please use this one.
And once you pass the type argument to createIpcRenderer or createIpcMain, you no longer need it afterwards!

See this example repo for more details