
Examples of Natural Language Processing by using Stanford's Core NLP Java Library

***Examples of Natural Language Processing by using Stanford's Core NLP Java Library

  1. I get the Codes from the website of Stanford NLP, they are:
    1. a simple Core NLP API which contains pipeline of several annotators such as part-of- speech Tagger, Named Entity Recognizer, Parser, Coreference Resolution System etc.
    2. an API of pre-trained model of coreference resolution.
  2. I use each API to annotate one short text that just belongs to a general domain, and then evaluate the performance. My manual annotation is used as "gold standard" because I have expert knowledge regarding annotation.
  3. Setup: java-8 needs to be installed in required system. Direct Download zip or via svn. POM Dependencies.
  4. Build and Run: Install maven or Use IDE, I use IntelliJ IDEA. Run via IntelliJ IDEA