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JavaScript 3D library

The aim of the project is to create an easy to use, lightweight, 3D library with a default WebGL renderer. The library also provides Canvas 2D, SVG and CSS3D renderers in the examples.



This code creates a scene, a camera, and a geometric cube, and it adds the cube to the scene. It then creates a WebGL renderer for the scene and camera, and it adds that viewport to the document.body element. Finally, it animates the cube within the scene for the camera.

import * as THREE from './js/three.module.js';

var camera, scene, renderer;
var geometry, material, mesh;


function init() {

	camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 70, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.01, 10 );
	camera.position.z = 1;

	scene = new THREE.Scene();

	geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 );
	material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial();

	mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
	scene.add( mesh );

	renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { antialias: true } );
	renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
	document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement );


function animate() {

	requestAnimationFrame( animate );

	mesh.rotation.x += 0.01;
	mesh.rotation.y += 0.02;

	renderer.render( scene, camera );


If everything went well, you should see this.

Cloning this repository

Cloning the repo with all its history results in a ~2GB download. If you don't need the whole history you can use the depth parameter to significantly reduce download size.

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js.git

Change log



Now merged three.js r120. All modifications are marked by // @THREE-Modification.

  • RenderList sort: Prevent unstable sequencing.
  • WebGLTextures: Support NPOT texture in WebGL2.(implemented in r101)
  • WebGLTextures: getInternalFormat support depth texture in WebGL2.(implemented in r115)
  • WebGLTextures: Support RenderTarget.multipleSampling & WebGLRenderer.blitRenderTarget() (for MSAA etc) in WebGL2.(implemented in r101)
  • WebGLRenderer: Skeleton percision fix.
  • WebGLRenderer: GPU picker support. (Remove this later)
  • WebGLMaterials: Separat UVTransform for alphaMap.
  • WebGLMaterials: Separat UVTransform for emissiveMap.
  • WebGLRenderer: Add MaterialManager to switch material on runtime.
  • WebGLBackground: Support color transform for background cube texture.
  • alphatest_fragment: Prevent alpha test edge gradient.
  • Material: Support color mapping.
  • Material: Support Cartesian3 position. defines['USE_CARTESIAN3'].
  • UniformsUtils: Clone uniforms will not clone texture.
  • MeshStandardMaterial: Add .baseQuaternion to support env map rotation. (remove this later)
  • Scene: Add .envQuaternion to support global env map rotation.
  • Object3D: Dispatch 'addedChild' event when add child.
  • Fog: Support fog alpha. please use fog.alpha.
  • InterleavedBufferAttribute: Override clone.(implemented in r117)
  • Mesh: Raycast method support TriangleStripDrawMode.(Mesh.drawMode has been moved in r112)
  • Mesh: Raycast method fix for group count infinity.
  • WebGLTextures: Support share webglDepthRenderbuffer.
  • WebGLTextures: Support share webglColorRenderbuffer. (for only WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget now)
  • WebGLTextures: Support input gl texture.
  • WebGLRenderer: Support render list dirty.
  • Sprite: If raycaster's camera not be set, skip raycast.
  • MeshStandardMaterial: Fix defineds copy.
  • color_vertex about: Support alpha attribtue. defines['USE_ALPHAINDEX'].
  • WebGLAttributes: Support attribute resize.
  • WebGLRenderer: Support logarithmicDepthBuffer state change.
  • WebGLRenderLists: Support custom1 layer.
  • WebGLProgram: Support instanced material.
  • FileLoader: Handle status 201. (Remove this later)
  • WebGLPrograms: Support renderer.gammaInput & renderer.outputEncoding will override renderTarget linearEncoding.
  • WebGLRenderer: Add polyfill for state.enableAttribute.
  • Object3D: Add Matrtix dirty.
  • WebGLBindingStates: Fix index cache for VAO.(Fixed in r120)
  • WebGLState: Support separate stencil settings.
  • WebGLState: Fix reset().
  • Move SpriteMaterial.rotation to Sprite.spriteRotation. (SpriteMaterial.rotation still work)
  • VR Camera apply camera transform.
  • Add Material.uvTransform to replace texture.matrix.
  • Add Material.useEnvironment decide whether to use scene.environment.
  • WebGLTextures: Fix empty cube texture binding.
  • MeshStandardMaterial: Add specularFactor, default is 1.
  • MeshBasicMaterial: Add emissive support.
  • InstancedMesh: Add dispose(). (will be implemented in r124)
  • MeshStandardMaterial: Add fresnelPower and fresnelInverse.
  • Geometry.fromBufferGeometry: fix for drawRange.
  • Material: Support highlightColor and highlightIntensity.
  • PointsMaterial: Support material.imageRatio.
  • Remove some frequently executed Object.defineProperty
  • Object3D: Fix getWorldXXX().
  • Mesh: Fix recursive for copy method.


  • 只添加必要的修改,非必要的修改可以通过扩展实现。
  • 必须是能够独立运行的修改,不依赖任何外部库。
  • 修改的代码前用// @THREE-Modification标注,以便于全局搜索。
  • 如果有新扩展的功能或者新修改的BUG,请在本文件的Modification部分增加修改说明。
  • 修改遵照threejs本身的编程规范,发布前请运行npm run lint检查。