
why the model size all so big?

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compared with mbv2 and shufflenetv2 fasternet has a bigger size, this caused limitations deploy on edge devices.

Hi, FasterNet focuses on improving the accuracy-latency tradeoff but not on reducing the model size (slightly bigger than ShuffleNetV2 and MobileNetV2), as shown in the following table:

name acc #params FLOPs Throughput on GPU (fps) Latency on CPU (ms) Latency on ARM (ms)
ShuffleNetV2 x1.5 72.6 3.5M 0.30G 4878 12.1 266
MobileNetV2 72.0 3.5M 0.31G 4198 12.2 442
FasterNet-T0 71.9 3.9M 0.34G 6807 9.2 143
ShuffleNetV2 x2 74.9 7.4M 0.59G 3339 17.8 403
MobileNetV2 74.7 6.1M 0.60G 2711 22.6 650
FasterNet-T1 76.2 7.6M 0.85G 3782 17.7 285

@JierunChen hello, may I ask which framework used to get these values?

@JierunChen hello, may I ask which framework used to get these values?

We use FVcore for #params and FLOPs calculation. Code for measuring throughput/latency is provided in utils.py.

Note that when comparing the model size by storage, ensure all models compared have the same precision, e.g., 32 bits, 16 bits, or 8 bits.

@JierunChen thanks, seems mostly measuring on torch, have u tried export to onnx and measuring on onnxruntime? Since the speed actually highly related how optimized in forward frameworks.

@jinfagang No deployment engines are involved when measuring the latency/throughput. We haven't tried exporting to onnx. You are welcome to do so and try various deployment engines, e.g. OnnxRuntime, TensorRT, NCNN, etc.