
Filesystem store with in-memory cache

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

fs-memory-store Build status

Filesystem store with in-memory cache

This was built for usage with eight-track, an HTTP fixture library. It is designed for ease-of-access while debugging. By default, items will be stored to separate .json files in the folder.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install fs-memory-store

// Generate a store inside of `http-fixtures`
var Store = require('fs-memory-store');
var store = new Store(__dirname + '/http-fixtures');

// Save a value
store.set('hello', {world: true}, function (err) {
  // If there was an error, `err` will be it

  // We have created `http-fixtures/hello.json`
    "world": true

  // Load the value
  store.get('hello', function (err, val) {
    // If there was an error, `err` will be it
    // Log our value
    console.log(val); /* {world: true} */

  // Load an non-existent value
  store.get('wat', function (err, val) {
    // If there was an error, `err` will be it
    // Log our value
    console.log(val); /* null */


fs-memory-store returns Store as its module.exports.

Store(dir, options)

Constructor for a new store

  • dir String, Directory to generate our store inside of
  • options Object, Container for options/flags
    • ext String, Extension to save values under. By default, this is .json
    • stringify Function, Stringifier to pass values through when saving to disk
      • By default, this is JSON.stringify with an indenation of 2
    • parse Function, Parser to pass values through when loading from disk
      • By default, this is JSON.parse

Store#get(key, cb)

Retrieve an item from memory with a fallback to disk.

  • key String, Identifier to retrieve item by
  • cb Function, Error-first callback function to receive item value
    • Signature should be (err, val)
    • err Error|null, If there was an error, this will be it
    • val Mixed|null, If the value was found, this will be it. If it was not found, this will be null.

Store#set(key, val, cb)

Save an item to memory and disk

  • key String, Identifier to save item under
  • val Mixed, Value to save under the key
  • cb Function, Error-first callback function to handle errors
    • Signature should be (err)
    • err Error|null, If there was an error, this will be it


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint via grunt and test via npm test.


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Copyright (c) 2014 Todd Wolfson

Licensed under the MIT license.