Feature Request - 'Filtered Radius' tracking kills in range x filtered by (any attacker with x ship group)
freelanceontime opened this issue · 3 comments
Could you please add an additional function wherby the bot will report the victim if the loss mail has a particular ship type on it. Similar to how the 'Radius' function allready works but with an additional filter perameter of the attackers ships.
For example:
Any victim within {range} jumps of {target system} dies && loss mail contains the ship group ID {groupID} eg '/group/898/'
Please and Thank you!
How are you expecting this to be presented in Discord ? Ping a certain tag ?
Hi yes, could it be presented in discord in the same manner as the 'radius' kill report, except a line of text that states that the filtered ship group 'Blops', 'Super' was present on the kill.
e.g A '{Black Ops Battleship}' was reported on kill: Capsule destroyed {Radius] from {System}
Closed with commit c07995a