
Zero-shot learning example in Pachyderm

Primary LanguagePython

Pach Zero Shot

Scaling Zero Shot learning from Hugging Face to production with Pachyderm.

Hugging Face came out with this, and I wanted to scale it with Pachyderm.

Running with Docker

docker run -v `pwd`/data/:/data/ --entrypoint=python3 jimmywhitaker/zero-shot:v0.1 zs_predict.py --sequences /data/input/test_input.txt --labels /data/labels/test_labels.txt --output /data/output/

Running with Pachyderm

Start a Pachyderm cluster with Pachyderm Hub.


make zero-shot-base

The code

$ python zs_predict.py --help
usage: zs_predict.py [-h] [--sequences DIR] [--labels DIR] [--output DIR]

Zero Shot Predictor

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --sequences DIR  input sequences to be classified
  --labels DIR     labels to be applied to sequences
  --output DIR     output directory for predictions