
Error occurs when unzipping the data.zip file on linux.

ZouXinn opened this issue · 6 comments

After downloading the given data, I got a file named "data.zip".

Then I uploaded it to my server and used the command "unzip data.zip". However, errors occured as:

Archive:  data.zip
warning [data.zip]:  6299654520 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
error [data.zip]:  start of central directory not found;
  zipfile corrupt.
  (please check that you have transferred or created the zipfile in the
  appropriate BINARY mode and that you have compiled UnZip properly)

I search on the internet and the answers in stackoverflow suggest using the command "7z x data.zip". After running it, I find that some files are extracted, however, many files are lost (all files in images_medical and images_largescale and part of the files in images_classic are lost).

Is there some solutions to this problem?

We don't really have a single file named data.zip in the v1.5 release. Which dataset were you trying to download?

I try to download the file "data" in the data link. I click the "download" button and then get a file named "data.zip".

Please follow this part in the README to download the data. The link you pointed to was for earlier v1.0 release.

BTW where did you get the "data link"? I thought we have removed it from the README.

Thanks a lot. I get the data link in the "get started" part in the wiki. Here is the link to that part.

It seems that I follow the "get started" part for version 1. Thank you a lot for your clarification.

No problem. We will clear things up a little bit to avoid confusion between v1.0 and v1.5. Thanks for your understanding.