This project was initiated in 2011 to provide both an operating interface and a middle layer between the interface and the underneath controllers for the remote observatories in Hangzhou High School. This project aimed to provide a friendly interface that is ligible to astronomy amateurs, in addition exposes as many parameters to the users as possible so that student users can learn how astronomical instruments work and how different parameters function. Some of the stable versions was already deployed to our two remote observatories located in Anji, Zhejiang and Aksu, Xinjiang; both based in China.
After about two years from the start, I no longer had enough time to maintain this project or add new features to it. These codes stayed being hosted on CodePlex ( until 2017, when Microsoft announced retirement of this code-hosting platform.
This project is far from being a complete product, and I am aware that many bad designs are present. However, I feel that one may still find some interesting ideas or inspirations from these codes.
Almost everything written in Visual Basic (.net).
This program was partly described in the following publication:
Jingshan Du, Yanzhi Liu, Shenming Fu, Lan Lin. A Design of a Remote-Control Telescope System for High-School Students. Astronomical Research and Technology (PNAOC), 2013, 10 (2), 194–200. [DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-7673.2013.02.014]