
notes, configuration, and other files related to the new seqr db

Primary LanguagePython

The hail scripts in this repo can be used to pre-process variant callsets and export them to elasticsearch.


Scripts for creating dataproc clusters:

  • create_cluster_GRCh37.py - creates a dataproc cluster that has VEP pre-installed with a GRCh37 cache. This allows hail pipelines to to use vds.vep(..) to run VEP on GRCh37-aligned datasets.
  • create_cluster_GRCh38.py - creates a dataproc cluster that has VEP pre-installed with a GRCh38 cache. This allows hail pipelines to to use vds.vep(..) to run VEP on GRCh38-aligned datasets.
  • create_cluster_without_VEP.py creates a dataproc cluster without installing VEP, so vds.vep(..) won't work.
  • create_cluster_notebook.py creates a cluster that allows hail commmands to be run interactively in an ipython notebook.
  • connect_to_cluster.py connects to a cluster that was created by create_cluster_notebook.py, and re-opens ipython dashboard in the browser.

Scripts for describing, modifying and deleting dataproc clusters:

  • list_clusters.py prints the names of all existing dataproc clusters in the project.
  • list_jobs.py lists all active dataproc jobs.
  • describe_cluster.py prints gcloud details on a specific dataproc cluster.
  • describe_job.py prints details on a specific dataproc job.
  • resize_cluster.py resize an existing dataproc cluster.
  • delete_cluster.py deletes a specific dataproc cluster.
  • delete_job.py / kill_job.py kills a specific hail job.

Script for submitting jobs:

  • submit.py submits a python hail script to the cluster.

Main hail pipelines:

  • entire_vds_pipeline.py annotation and pre-processing pipeline for GRCh37 and GRCh38 rare disease callsets.
  • run_vep.py run VEP on a vcf or vds and write the result to a .vds. WARNING: this must run on a cluster created with either create_cluster_GRCh37.py or create_cluster_GRCh38.py, depending on the genome version of the dataset being annotated.
  • export_gnomad_to_ES.py - joins gnomad exome and genome datasets into a structure that contains the info used in the gnomAD browser, and exports this to elasticsearch.

Other hail pipelines:

  • create_subset.py subsets a vcf or vds to a specific chromosome or locus - useful for creating small datasets for testing.
  • convert_tsv_to_vds.py converts a .tsv table to a VDS by allowing the user to specify the chrom, pos, ref, alt column names
  • convert_vcf_to_vds.py import a vcf and writes it out as a vds
  • export_vds_to_tsv.py export a subset of vds variants to a .tsv for inspection
  • print_vds_schema.py print out the vds variant schema
  • print_keytable_schema.py reads in a tsv and imputes the types. Then prints out the keytable schema.
  • print_vds_stats.py print out vds stats such as the schema, variant count, etc.
  • print_elasticsearch_stats.py connects to an elasticsearch instance and prints current indices and other stats

NOTE: Some of the scripts require a running elasticsearch instance. For deploying a stand-alone elasticsearch cluster see: https://github.com/macarthur-lab/elasticsearch-kubernetes-cluster or for deploying one as part of seqr see: https://github.com/macarthur-lab/seqr


Run VEP:

./submit.py run_vep.py gs://<dataset path> 

Run rare disease callset pipeline:

./create_cluster_GRCh38.py --project=seqr-project cluster1 2 24 ;   # create cluster with 2 persistant, 24 preemptible nodes

./submit.py --cluster cluster1 --project seqr-project ./entire_vds_pipeline.py -g 38 gs://seqr-datasets/GRCh38/my_dataset.vcf.gz  -i my_dataset_index --max-samples-per-index 180 --host $ELASTICSEARCH_HOST_IP --num-shards 12