
Rest api from scratch with deno

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Routing on the Server

Ways to define routes

  • Conditionally route requests (if/else, switch, regex, URLPattern)
  • Different responses, Different requests
  • Split up our Server code by function

Networking Topics

What happens when we make a request to: https://www.google.com

First let's learn what is URL?

  • URL -> Uniform Resource Locater
  • different parts of a url is shown below image



  • DNS -> Domain Name System

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IP Address

  • IP -> Internet Protocol

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Network Ports

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Network Protocols: Rules of communication(across networks)

  • IP
  • ...many more

OSI Model

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HTTP 1.1

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Basic HTTP Headers

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HTTP headers characteristics

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HTTP Request Methods

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HTTP Response status codes

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HTTPS: Secure version of HTTP

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TCP: Transmission Control Protocol

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TCP Headers

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UDP: User Diagram Protocol, alternative to tcp

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UDP Headers

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IP: Internet Protocol

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IP Headers

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MIME Types

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NB: All the above images were collected from Tech with Nader's rest-api tutorial