Window Is white
Opened this issue · 5 comments
Can I have the souce code? I want to see how get the website. Preferably the Linux source code thanks.
I figured out whats wrong and its not an error with your app its an error with geofs
The geofs certificate is invalid and your app wont work unless thats fixed
As I wrote in another Issue, I'm having the same problem. How exactly did you fix that?
Hey all—thanks for the interest. The last time I actually updated this project was actually 3 years ago (I think?). I don't really plan to update this anytime soon, but if you're interested in reviving and remaking it, what I originally did was wrap the GeoFS website in an electron.js app. I do realize that there has been a certificate issue—I'm not quite sure how you could fix that at the moment. If you're really interested in making this application work, you can take the steps I just mentioned and perhaps contact Xavier to inquire about this if it wouldn't be a bother to him.
Best of luck!
Hey there, thx for responding, 3 years is a long time :D
I'm very insterested in getting this app to run, cuz it has some benefits my browser doesn't (saving settings, cuz i'm in private mode and better performance (hopefully)).
I think I can't really help you, cuz I don't worked with electron or js yet, but you have my full support!!!