Blank Screen
Opened this issue · 4 comments
BNSF-Aviator commented
I'm on mac and downloaded as instructed, but when I open the application all I get is a blank white screen. Hope you can fix quickly, because I'm looking forward to this!
P.S. can tampermonkey addons work for this?
KaptainAhoibrause commented
I'm on Arch Linux and I got this issue too.
bowser-2077 commented
me to on windows :(
Jminding commented
Hey all—thanks for the interest. The last time I actually updated this project was actually 3 years ago (I think?). I don't really plan to update this anytime soon, but if you're interested in reviving and remaking it, what I originally did was wrap the GeoFS website in an electron.js app.
Best of luck and enjoy your future flights!
20ch commented