
This repository contains the files associated with the most used configurations in Bspwm.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the files associated with the most used configurations.



xorg bspwm sxhkd tilix lightdm rofi
pcmanfm flameshot brightnessctl polybar wget lxappearance
compton pulseaudio alsa-utils firmware-realtek firmware-atheros i3lock-fancy

File structure

- .config
    - bspwm
        - bspwmrc
        - wallpaper.png
    - sxhkd
        - sxhkdrc
    - polybar
        - config  
        - launch.sh  
        - scripts


  • Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/JnBenites/dotfiles
  • Install the dependencies
chmod +x ./install_dependencies.exe
sudo ./install_dependencies.exe
  • Copy the configuration files
chmod +x ./clone_config.sh
  • Reboot

Basic Keybinding

Reload bspwm

  • quit bspwm
    • super + alt + q
  • restart bspwm
    • super + alt + r

Reload sxhkd

  • restart sxhkd
    • super + escape

Program launcher

  • tilix terminal
    • super + Return
  • rofi
    • super + r rofi
  • google-chrome
    • alt + b
  • google-chrome --incognito
    • super + alt + b
  • pcmanfm
    • alt + e
  • i3lock-fancy
    • super + x
  • rofi-wifi-menu.sh
    • alt + w


  • flameshot full
    • Print
  • flameshot gui
    • super + Print
  • flameshot full s 5000
    • super + alt + Print


  • brightness +1%
    • XF86MonBrightnessUp
  • brightness -1%
    • XF86MonBrightnessDown


  • volume +2%
    • XF86AudioRaiseVolume
  • volume -2%
    • XF86AudioLowerVolume
  • mute unmute
    • XF86AudioMute
  • volume 20%
    • XF86AudioPrev
  • play-pause
    • XF86AudioPlay
  • stop
    • XF86AudioStop


  • select desktop
    • super + 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
  • balance desktop
    • super + b
  • move/resize
    • super + alt + {j,k,u,i}
    • super + alt + shift + {j,k,u,i}
  • move a floating window
    • super + {Left,Down,Up,Right}
  • focus the node in the given direction
    • super + {_,shift + }{j,k,u,i}
  • focus the last node/desktop
    • alt + Tab
  • set the window state
    • super + {a,s,d,f}
  • close app
    • super + q

keyboard language

  • setxkbmap us
    • super + ctrl + 1
  • setxkbmap es
    • super + ctrl + 2