
Feature Request - flat packs & drawing DXF out

hon1nbo opened this issue · 6 comments

I've never done scripting for fusion and unsure if I have time to learn.

Think you can add export to drawing formats, and DXFs for Flat Pack of sheet metal projects?

Worth a shot asking; no idea how easy their scripting is to work with or how hard. I've been generating things manually all afternoon

The API does allow you to export Sketches as a DXF file (here) but I decided not to include that. Maybe I could include it later or add a panel for options?

I actually didn't test with sheet metal stuff or if there's anything obviously identifiable with a component that tells me it's a sheet metal object. If so, maybe I could try exporting that?

When you say "Designs", do you mean the design workspace where you make images from files? That seems like a reasonable thing to support, but I'm unsure what the entry point is. I'll have to look into that.

Do I understand your feature requests correctly? If so, I can split them up into 3 different issues for better tacking.

When you say "Designs", do you mean the design workspace where you make images from files? That seems like a reasonable thing to support, but I'm unsure what the entry point is. I'll have to look into that.

I don't even have the word "designs" in the FR.

If so, I can split them up into 3 different issues for better tacking.

Could split drawing exports and sheet metal exports into two different things

I actually didn't test with sheet metal stuff or if there's anything obviously identifiable with a component that tells me it's a sheet metal object. If so, maybe I could try exporting that?

I figure there might be, as you can go back to an object created through the sheet metal tools after doing folds and later create the Flat pack and export that as a DXF. If I have some time I could dig through some API references for it.

Sorry, I meant "drawing formats". Had designs on the brain. @foosel and I have looked/are going to look at that but I've yet to find out how to do that.

I would appreciate if you could look into the DXF issue. The next thing I'm tackling is logging instead of alerting on failures.

Would love to see exporting sketches to DXF as well.. I do CNC and some of my stuff is just sketches that get used as toolpaths.

Sketches export now with pull request #6

Can confirm that the pull #6 fixed an issue exporting a sketch for me.

Had to restart Fusion360 to "reload" the script.