
[Question] What is filter g?

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Thanks for your great work!
In your paper pages 7 and 8, you mention filters $g$ and $\bar g$.
What exactly is this filter, is it a network module? How did you get it?


it's just a simple selection operation to calculate the related label possibilities. For example, for fc output: [0.1,0.2,0.2,0.5], if we want to preserve the first two labels, g([0.1,0.2,0.2,0.5]) = [0.1,0.2]

Thanks for your quick reply.
I have another question.
In https://github.com/JngwenYe/LIRF/blob/main/train_deposit.py#L150-L158 , the code does not use criterionAT(output_batch1, output_teacher_batch1.detach()), is the current version of code use our LIRF method?

which loss do loss1, loss2 and loss3 correspond to in the paper ($L_{kp}$ etc.)?

And for the return value in https://github.com/JngwenYe/LIRF/blob/main/train_deposit.py#L174, are two return values the same?

@JngwenYe Can you share the complete code of your work? Thanks

@JngwenYe Can you share the complete code of your work? Thanks
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@JngwenYe Can you share the complete code of your work? Thanks
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