web fingerprinting research
- DRAWN APART: A Device Identification Technique based on Remote GPU Fingerprinting (Laperdrix et al., 2022)
- FP-Radar: Longitudinal Measurement and Early Detection of Browser Fingerprinting (Bahrami et al., 2021)
- Online Website Fingerprinting: Evaluating Website Fingerprinting Attacks on Tor in the Real World (Cherubin et al., 2021)
- Gummy Browsers: Targeted Browser Spoofing against State-of-the-Art Fingerprinting Techniques (Liu et al., 2021)
- A Study of Feasibility and Diversity of Web Audio Fingerprints (Vadrevu et al., 2021)
- EssentialFP: Exposing the Essence of Browser Fingerprinting (Sjösten et al., 2021)
- BrFAST: a Tool to Select Browser Fingerprinting Attributes for Web Authentication According to a Usability-Security Trade-off (Andriamilanto et al., 2021)
- Prime+Probe 1, JavaScript 0: Overcoming Browser-based Side-Channel Defenses (Shusterman et al., 2021)
- Tales of Favicons and Caches: Persistent Tracking in Modern Browsers (Polakis et al., 2021)
- Estimation of the time for calculating the attributes of browser fingerprints in the user authentication task (Iskhakov et al., 2020)
- Who Touched My Browser Fingerprint?: A Large-scale Measurement Study and Classification of Fingerprint Dynamics (Li et al., 2020)
- The Elephant in the Background: A Quantitative Approach to Empower Users Against Web Browser Fingerprinting (Fietkau et al., 2020)
- Taint Analysis for Browser Fingerprinting (Zhang et al., 2020)
- Canvas Deceiver - A New Defense Mechanism Against Canvas Fingerprinting (Lee et al., 2020)
- Learning-based Practical Smartphone Eavesdropping with Built-in Accelerometer (Ba et al., 2020)
- Carnus: Exploring the Privacy Threats of Browser Extension Fingerprinting (Karami et al., 2020)
- Shedding light on web privacy impact assessment: A case study of the Ambient Light Sensor API (Olejnik, 2020)
- Fingerprinting the Fingerprinters: Learning to Detect Browser Fingerprinting Behaviors (Iqbal et al., 2020)
- Taming The Shape Shifter: Detecting Anti-fingerprinting Browsers (Laperdrix et al., 2020)
- Long-Term Observation on Browser Fingerprinting: Users’ Trackability and Perspective (Pugliese et al., 2020)
- FP-Crawlers: Studying the Resilience of Browser Fingerprinting to Block Crawlers (Vastel et al., 2020)
- Robust Website Fingerprinting Through the Cache Occupancy Channel (Shusterman et al., 2019)
- Browser Fingerprinting: A survey (Laperdrix et al., 2019)
- Evaluating Anti-Fingerprinting Privacy Enhancing Technologies (Tschantz et al., 2019)
- JavaScript Zero: Real JavaScript and Zero Side-Channel Attacks (Schwarz et al., 2018)
- Hiding in the Crowd: an Analysis of the Effectiveness of Browser Fingerprinting at Large Scale (Laperdrix et al., 2018)
- Clock Around the Clock: Time-Based Device Fingerprinting (Sanchez-Rola et al., 2018)
- On Estimating Platforms of Web User with JavaScript Math Object [google] (Saito et al., 2018)
- Fantastic Timers and Where to Find Them: High-Resolution Microarchitectural Attacks in JavaScript (Gruss et al., 2017)
- XHOUND: Quantifying the Fingerprintability of Browser Extensions (Nikiforakis et al., 2017)
- Discovering Browser Extensions via Web Accessible Resources (Sjösten et al., 2017)
- FP-STALKER: Tracking Browser Fingerprint Evolutions (Laperdrix et al., 2017)
- Battery Status Not Included: Assessing Privacy in Web Standards (Englehardt et al., 2017)
- Inhibiting Browser Fingerprinting and Tracking (Luangmaneerote et al., 2017)
- Picasso: Lightweight Device Class Fingerprinting for Web Clients (Bursztein et al., 2016)
- Online tracking: A 1-million-site measurement and analysis (Englehardt, et al., 2016)
- The Leaking Battery (Olejnik et al., 2015)
- FPGuard: Detection and Prevention of Browser Fingerprinting (Weldemariam et al., 2015)
- Fingerprinting web users through font metrics (Fifield et al., 2015)
- PriVaricator: Deceiving Fingerprinters with Little White Lies (Nikiforakis et al., 2014)
- The Web Never Forgets: Persistent Tracking Mechanisms in the Wild (Englehardt, et al., 2014)
- Cookieless Monster: Exploring the Ecosystem of Web-based Device Fingerprinting (Nikiforakis et al., 2013)
- Reducing the value of a browser fingerprint (Jenkins et al., 2013)
- Pixel Perfect: Fingerprinting Canvas in HTML5 (Mowery et al., 2012)
- How Unique Is Your Web Browser? (Eckersley, 2010)
- Explaining DrawnApart, a remote GPU fingerprinting technique (Laperdrix, 2022)
- How anti-fingerprinting extensions tend to make fingerprinting easier (Palant, 2020)
- Shedding light on designing web features with privacy: risks, impact assessments, case study (Olejnik, 2020)
- Detecting Privacy Badger’s Canvas FP detection (Adtech Madness, 2020)
- JavaScript tampering – detection and stealth (Adtech Madness, 2019)
- Bot detection 101 #3 – Cheating browser fingerprinting (Adtech Madness, 2019)
- Bot detection 101 #2 – Entering browser fingerprinting (Adtech Madness, 2019)
- Bot detection 101 #1 – Preface (Adtech Madness, 2019)
- Evaluating the privacy implications of a canvas fingerprinting countermeasure (Antoine Vastel, 2018)
- Dull captaincy or the way Tor Project fights browser fingerprinting (KOLANICH, 2015)
- FP-Radar: Early Detection of New Browser Fingerprinting Techniques (Pouneh Nikkhah Bahram, 2021)
- The Elephant In The Background: Empowering Users Against Browser Fingerprinting (Julian Fietkau, 2020)
- Learning-based Practical Smartphone Eavesdropping with Built-in Accelerometer (Shiqing Luo, 2020)
- Taming The Shape Shifter: Detecting Anti-fingerprinting Browsers (Babak Amin Azad, 2020)
- Exploring the Privacy Threats of Browser Extension Fingerprinting (Soroush Karami, 2020)
- Fingerprinting the Fingerprinters: Learning to Detect Browser Fingerprinting Behaviors (Umar Iqbal, 2020)
- Microarchitectural Attacks (Daniel Gruss, 2019)
- Two New Ways To Exploit A Fixed Browser Fingerprinting Flaw (Xiaoyin Liu, 2019)
- Automated Methods for Fingerprinting Detection (Sarah Bird, 2019)
- Next Steps For Browser Privacy: Pursuing Privacy Protections Beyond Extensions (Peter Snyder, 2019)
- Privacy, Standards, and Anti-Standards (Peter Snyder, 2019)
- Fingerprinting and Privacy on the Web (Peter Snyder, 2019)
- Browser fingerprinting: past, present and possible future (Pierre Laperdrix, 2019)
- Browser fingerprints for a more secure web (Julien Sobrier & Ping Yan, 2019)
- JavaScript Zero: Real JavaScript and Zero Side-Channel Attacks (Michael Schwarz, 2018)
- Tales From the Trenches: Fingerprints on the Web - Igor Trindade Oliveira (Igor Trindade Oliveira, 2018)
- Fp-Scanner: The Privacy Implications of Browser Fingerprint Inconsistencies (Antoine Vastel, 2018)
- Tracking Browser Fingerprint Evolutions (Antoine Vastel, 2018)
- Navigating the Vast Ocean of Browser Fingerprints (Russell Thomas, 2018)
- (Cross-)Browser Fingerprinting via OS and Hardware Level Features (Yinzhi Cao, 2017)
- Beauty and the Beast: Diverting modern web browsers to build unique browser fingerprints (Pierre Laperdrix, 2016)
- Panopticlick: Fingerprinting Your Web Presence (Bill Budington, 2016)
- Everything you always wanted to know about web-based device fingerprinting (but were afraid to ask) (Nick Nikiforakis, 2016)
- Where does darknet anonimity end (Denis Makrushin, Maria Garnaeva, 2015)
- Advanced Browser Fingerprinting (Yan Zhu, 2015)
- Website Fingerprinting Attacks and Defenses (Rob Johnson, 2014)
- Web Fingerprinting: How, Who, and Why? (Nick Nikiforakis, 2013)
- How Unique is Your Browser (Peter Eckersley, 2010)
- https://antoinevastel.com (Antoine Vastel)
- https://plaperdr.github.io (Pierre Laperdrix)
- https://www.peteresnyder.com (Peter Snyder)
- https://lukaszolejnik.com (Lukasz Olejnik)
- https://www.securitee.org (Nick Nikiforakis)
- https://senglehardt.com (Steven Englehardt)
- Mitigating Browser Fingerprinting in Web Specifications (W3C)
- Technical Comments on Privacy Budget (Eric Rescorla, 2021)
- https://arkenfox.github.io/TZP
- https://privacycheck.sec.lrz.de
- https://canvasblocker.kkapsner.de/test
- https://privacy-test-pages.glitch.me
- https://www.lambdatest.com
- https://www.browserstack.com
- https://kobiton.com
- https://www.browserling.com
- https://crossbrowsertesting.com/
- https://saucelabs.com