Android integration of multiple icon providers such as FontAwesome, Entypo, Typicons,...
- 5
Some icons cut off in sample app
#155 opened by keunes - 3
- 7
Some icons missing from Material Design Icons
#150 opened by choxnox - 16
Not working with xml
#137 opened by narendrakothamire - 3
Icon is not vertically centered.
#115 opened by ladjzero - 1
#146 opened by abdullahumer - 3
Gravity is not working correct
#149 opened by andreasschiestl - 3
Please add ImageView
#132 opened by CROSP - 7
Add a search feature in the sample app
#103 opened by JoanZapata - 6
IconDrawable with "text {mdi-plus}"
#160 opened by willstdueswissen - 1
Need more examples
#161 opened by vtxmg - 2
How to just use custom ttf file
#159 opened by ashwanikumar04 - 2
Question: Advantages over png
#158 opened by ashwanikumar04 - 5
- 4
Render icons in preview mode in Android Studio
#152 opened by gurachan - 5
Crash line 32
#145 opened by abdullahumer - 5
IconButton no apply the Style.
#142 opened by devinclava - 2
Outlined icons on HiRes / API 23
#156 opened - 1
FR: Longpress to copy icon name/string in sample app
#154 opened by keunes - 1
IconDrawable with multiple icons
#153 opened by muhammad-naderi - 3
- 2
Error Inflating class IconTextView
#144 opened by hth - 2
Please update Fontawesome to 4.5.0
#141 opened by emce - 2
- 7
- 1
- 1
- 1
Get icons resource id
#133 opened - 2
NPE when calling getTypeFace
#135 opened by Orbyt - 2
[Question] Setting Toolbar menu item via XML
#136 opened by Plastix - 1
Icon shadow
#138 opened by sytolk - 7
Spin an IconDrawable
#107 opened by JoanZapata - 1
How does this work with different dpis?
#130 opened by Orbyt - 1
Gradle failed to complete execution
#126 opened by Markoshd - 3
i18n support problem
#123 opened by guobosheng - 6
addIcons adds height to textView with Spannable
#117 opened by jlhonora - 0
Add Futuramo icons
#120 opened by JoanZapata - 16
- 4
wrap_content not working for IconTextView on v2.0.7
#110 opened by jhavatar - 3
View has wrong width
#118 opened by electrolobzik - 1
New IconFontDescriptor without module causes NPE
#119 opened by emce - 2
Iconify in application without Application class
#116 opened by datmt - 3
Support Material design commmunity icons
#113 opened by keunes - 3
Robolectric test application setup throws IllegalArgumentException, loading same font twice
#114 opened by andrewsardone - 0
Include the proguard configuration in the build
#106 opened by JoanZapata - 1
- 5
Crash application
#108 opened by albertot-dev - 1
Show actual icon in XML preview
#109 opened by GlobeTechGit - 4
- 1
Documentation error?
#104 opened by manuel-zulian