
A study guide of how to use and construct geometric forms using html canvas element

Primary LanguageHTML


Canvas it is an HTML element used to draw shapes, animations and graphics. It is similar to the img tag with only the diference that it has no src and alt attributes. Its main attributes are width and height.

Canvas only supports two primitive shapes: rectangles and paths (lists of points connected by lines).

Like major HTML elements, canvas can contain margin, border and background, however, this properties do not affect the shapes within the canvas. Moreover, is preferable to set width and height directly in the HTML element. If these properties are applied through CSS, the canvas will be distorted.

Fallback content

Navegadores antigos podem não suportar o canvas, dessa forma, há como informar um conteúdo alternativo que será exibido quando o elemento não puder ser renderizado. Este conteúdo alternativo, deve ser inserido entre a tag de abertura e fechamento do canvas.

Older browsers may not support canvas, therefore, to display some content if the the browser cannot load the canvas is a good choice.


<canvas id='canvas' width='150' height='150'>
    Fallback content

Rendering context

The rendering context consists to set dimensions of the shapes we want. There are two contexts: 2d and 3d.


const canvas = document.querySelector('#canvas')
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')

Firstly we must select the canvas element. After, we set its context using the getContext() method.

Rectangle shapes

There are three ways to draw rectangles using Canvas API, through fillRect(), strokeRect() and clearRect(). These three functions expects 4 parameters: x, y, width and height. The first two parameters are coordinates that refers to the x position and y position at the cartesian plane. These two parameters are relative by default to the top left corner of the canvas. The last two parameters, refers to shapes width and height.

Basic rectangle

The fillRect() function creates a rectangle shape with it's background filled by default.


const canvas = document.querySelector('#canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 50, 50);

Transparent rectangle

The strokeRect() function creates a rectangle without background and only with border.

const canvas = document.querySelector('#canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

ctx.strokeRect(10, 10, 50, 50);

Clearing shapes background

The clearRect() function clears the rectangle's background.

const canvas = document.querySelector('#canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

ctx.clearRect(15, 15, 40, 40);