
This is my portfolio where you can view my latest projects published

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is my porfólio where you can view some of the projects that I've been made. Feel free to get in touch!



This project was the first one that I've built from scratch with React applying what I've been studying last months. Furthermore, also was the first where I created an entire prototype using Figma. For style I used the Tailwind, one of the most famous css framework nowadays.


I don't be a designer, but I like design and experiment some tools because they helps to create interfaces visually attractive. One of the most famous tool to prototype web interfaces is Figma and I totally enjoyed to try it.


React is a library for creating visual interfaces with Javascript. One of its main principles it is componentization and you can view this by overlooking that I divide each screen as a component, as well as the cards at the second. Moreover, I builded the project using the JSX javascript extension which provides a better way of building the elements.

Here an example of JSX syntax

const title = <h1>Hello, world!</h1>


I tried to combine React with some featured technologies like Vite. Vite is a frontend build tooling that aims to improve web development by providing a faster development experience. Using Vite your project will be created fastly than the React default implementation one.


TailwindCSS is one of the most famous CSS framework nowadays. It is based in utility-first concept - an interesting way to write css trought classes.

Here's a block of code containing a React component styled with TailwindCSS.

<img className='w-16 h-16 2xl:w-24 2xl:h-24' src={htmlSvg} alt="Icone vetorial da linguagem de marcação html" />
