Pet cursor (Neko cursor) is a simple javascript file that turns your website's cursor into a cute animated pet! (for the desktop)
Now your desktop visitors can play as a cute creature as they browse your site!
The default character is based on the Neko desktop pet, you can use this default, or easily change the character to your own. Customization is simple, just follow the instructions in the pet_cursor.js file and update a few arrays.
- Cursor faces the direction of the mouse.
- Cursor has a small interaction state, to interact with specific elements on a site (like hyperlinks).
- Cursor has a cute idle state, and a small "surprise" state that reacts when idling and the mouse is clicked.
- It's easy to customize.
Place pet_cursor.js and the pet_cursor folder in the same directory as the page that you would like to run it on. Then include the javascript by copying the code bellow and pasting it in your website's "head" tag...
<script src="pet_cursor.js"></script>
Then change your page's body tag to call startPetCursor(); on load...
<body onload="startPetCursor();">
That's it! Your page should now have a cute little playable cursor character...