
App stuck on splash screen

dclipca opened this issue ยท 8 comments

After I install the library and open the app it gets stuck at the splash screen. Any ideas?

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/PINCache.framework/PINCache Referenced from: /Users/virtumonde/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/73CE3322-1BC4-4F6B-AB74-3855579E99B7/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/75E4666F-CF94-4426-BE66-9A6BE05DE9BF/ Reason: image not found (lldb)

Same issue for me!

React Native: 0.61.5
React-Native-Story-Share: 0.4.0

Same issue for me!

React Native: 0.61.5
React-Native-Story-Share: 0.4.0

Same specs.

The bitmoji kit shouldn't be included or you need to follow snapchats installation guide for that.

I think the Podspec should be:

s.dependency "SnapSDK/SCSDKCreativeKit"

I have a fork with this change present, but I'm still testing everything:

As @TimBroddin mentioned it definitely fixes the issue

I think the Podspec should be:

s.dependency "SnapSDK/SCSDKCreativeKit"

I recently created a PR #40 , still awaiting approval.
Meanwhile, you can use my fork as it has the latest changes too.

0.5.0 was just released with @franznkemaka fix, thanks for the awesome work on that.
Feel free to open this issue if the problem persists.

Thanks @Jobeso for merging

@franznkemaka Thanks for your effort here.