
The thread pool and URL dispatch library used by Lightstreamer's iOS client library since v. 1.2

Primary LanguageObjective-CApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Thread Pool library for iOS

The thread pool and URL dispatch library used by Lightstreamer's iOS client library since v. 1.2.

What this library does

This code was written to address a specific problem of iOS SDK and runtime:

  • iOS runtime has a limit of 4 concurrent NSURLConnections to the same end-point; above this limit, connections will time out after some time without even trying.

The library uses thread pools to keep the number of concurrent connections under control for each end-point, ensuring that a fifth (or subsequent) connection is enqueued by the thread pool and not submitted to the system. The library also offers methods to know in advance when a connection is going to succeed or time out for a given end-point. Last but not least, the library enforces the timeout set in the URL request.

For more information on this topic, please read the related article on Lightstreamer's blog:

What is included:

  • an LSThreadPool class that lets you execute invocations on a fixed thread pool, and

  • an LSURLDispatcher class that uses a thread pool to keep the number of concurrent connections by end-point under control.

  • a bonus LSTimerThread class that lets you run timed invocation without using the main thread.

  • a simple logging facility LSLog used internally by other classes.


Use of LSThreadPool is really simple. Create it with a defined size and name (name will be used for logging):

// Create the thread pool
LSThreadPool *threadPool= [[LSThreadPool alloc] initWithName:@"Test" size:4];

Then, schedule invocations with its scheduleInvocationForTarget:selector: or scheduleInvocationForTarget:selector:withObject: methods. E.g.,

[threadPool scheduleInvocationForTarget:self selector:@selector(addOne)];

If you want something more handy you can use blocks. E.g.,

[threadPool scheduleInvocationForBlock:^() {
    // Do something

Finally, dispose of the thread pool before releasing it when done:

[threadPool dispose];
threadPool= nil;

Threads are recycled if another scheduled call arrives within 10 seconds. After 15 seconds a collector removes idle threads.


The LSURLDispatcher is a singleton and is able to automatically initialize itself. Use it to start a connection request toward a NSURLRequest in one of three possible ways:

  • as a synschronous request: in this case, the dispatcher will download the request URL and deliver it as a NSData; if the end-point is already at its connection limit, the caller will wait until a connection is freed;

  • as a short request: the dispatcher will asynchronously connect and send events to your delegate as the connection proceeds; if the end-point is already at its connection limit, the dispatcher will wait in the background until a connection is freed; use short requests for short-lived operations that are expected to last a few seconds only;

  • as a long request: the dispatcher will asynchronously connect only if the end-point is below a configured limit (by default lower than the connection limit), otherwise, it will raise an exception; use long requests for long-lived operations exepected to last for minutes or more (data streaming, audio/video streaming, VoIP, etc.).

The distinction between short- and long-lived requests is important: an app that should open 4 long-lived requests to the same end-point, such as audio, video and data streams, would have no way to contact the same end-point again until one of the requests is terminated, even for simple requests like downloading an icon. By keeping short- and long-lived requests separated and with different limits, the library ensures that short-lived requests have always some spare connections to use.

To start a short-lived request simply do:

NSURL *url= [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://some/url"];
NSURLRequest *req= [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];

LSURLDispatchOperation *op= [[LSURLDispatcher sharedDispatcher] dispatchShortRequest:req delegate:self];

A request operation may be canceled at a later time, if necessary:

[op cancel];

With long operations you can also check in advance if a it is going to succeed or not (that is, to know if the limit has been reached or not):

[[LSURLDispatcher sharedDispatcher] setMaxLongRunningRequestsPerEndPoint:2];

// ...

if (![[LSURLDispatcher sharedDispatcher] isLongRequestAllowed:req]) {
    NSLog(@"Connection limit reached");

} else {
    LSURLDispatchOperation *longOp= [[LSURLDispatcher sharedDispatcher] dispatchLongRequest:req delegate:self];
    // ...

All requests are operated on separate threads. Each end-point has its own pool of 4 connection threads. In addition, for short and long requests each end-point has a general-purpose thread dedicated to decoupling the caller from the wait of a free connection.

Threads are recycled if another request arrives within 10 seconds. After 15 seconds a collector removes idle threads.

Starting with version 1.6.0, LSURLDispatcher uses a shared NSURLSession and a separate NSURLSessionDataTask for each operation, in place of an NSURLConnection. It reverts to NSURLConnection when NSURLSession is not available, i.e. for iOS < 7.0 and OS X < 10.9.

The API remains exactly the same, enforcing the request limit as usual. There is just the addition of a new class setter/getter to force the use of NSURLConnection even when NSURLSession is available:

[[LSURLDispatcher sharedDispatcher] setUseNSURLSessionIfAvailable:NO];

On the threading level, there is an transparent but important difference between the use of NSURLSession and NSURLConnection:

  • as stated above, with NSURLConnection requests are operated on custom threads of LSURLDispatcher, with their own run loop;
  • with NSURLSession, requests are operated on the session's own threads, but LSURLDispatcher threads are still used for operations' delegate event delivery.

Also starting with version 1.6.0, the LSURLDispatcher may be safely used as a common instanced object, and not as a singleton, but beware: since the end-point request limit is enforced at the instance level, using multiple instances of LSURLDispatcher to access the same end-point will make the enforcement ineffective, and you could get fake timeouts as if you were not using the LSURLDispatcher at all. Since the connection limit is system-wide, the countermeasure, to be effective, must used as a singleton.


The LSTimerThread provides delayed calls to any method of any object, without using the main thread. A shared thread is used to schedule calls, so make sure your called methods do not take too much time to execute.

To use the timer just schedule the call as you would do with performSelector:withArgument:afterDelay of NSObject. E.g.,

[[LSTimerThread sharedTimer] performSelector:@selector(timeout) onTarget:self afterDelay:timeout];


The LSLog provides simple logging for separable sources. No logging levels are supported, but a logging delegation is provided through the LSLogDelegate protocol.

Supported sources are:

  • LOG_SRC_THREAD_POOL for LSThreadPool
  • LOG_SRC_TIMER for LSTimerThread

All logging may be considered of DEBUG level, so enable a source only if you need to debug it:

[LSLog enableSource:LOG_SRC_THREAD_POOL];

To enable delegation just set your LSLogDelegate implemenation on the LSLog class:

[LSLog setDelegate:myLogger];

Test cases

A couple of simple test cases are included, which will show the strict enforcement on thread pool size and connection limit per end-point. The test case on connection limit enforcement runs with once with NSURLConnection and once with NSURLSession.


This software is part of Lightstreamer's iOS client library since version 1.2. It is released as open source under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.