
List of CPU governors broken

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hey man,
Sorry to bother you again. ;)
I have now added a bunch of governors into my kernel, so that in the end there are 32 governors.

When I use your app to change the governor, then in the list I see the first 17 governors normal. But item no. 18 is combined with the next one, e.g. interactive_proelementalx.

First I thought that I messed up something. I looked into my kernel config, but I couldn't figure any issue there.

Any idea what went wrong here?

So, the names are combining on one list item?

Can you tell me how they show up in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuX/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors

They should all be listed separated by spaces.

root@:/ # cat sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors
zzmoove xperience wheatley tripndroid smartmax_eps smartmax smartassV2 smartassH3 preservative pegasusq ondemandplus ondemand_eps nightmare lulzactive intellimm intellidemand intelliactive interactive_proelementalx dyninteractive darkness dancedance alucard abyssplugv2 interactive conservative ondemand powersave wave lionheart bioshock performance

Here we have the culprit. The space is missing between interactive_pro and elementalx. How could this happen?

Dunno. But the app is doing exactly what is supposed to. You have something wrong in your kernel causing that.

You were right, after I have deleted INTERACTIVE_PRO gov, this weird issue was gone.
Thanks for your hint.. highly appreciated!