
Feature Request: Enable bots to pick up loose items on the ground

greysondn opened this issue · 2 comments

This request is very label-on-the-tin type.

JoeStrout is aware of this even before I made a post. This is just getting it into the issue tracker.

Detailed Description

Currently, bots can break rocks, cut trees, and harvest crops - but they can't pick up the resulting loose items.

I'm proposing to enable them to pick up the resulting loose items.

Usecase or Problem Being Solved

The primary apparent use, to me, is that if the bot does work, part of that work is in the resulting items, just like for players. So this lets the bot's work behavior mimic a player's more fully.

Possible Implementation

No bright ideas, sorry.


  • Version used:
    • Farmtronics 1.1.0
  • Host operating system:
    • Windows 10 Home x64

Just chiming in that I'd love this as well. I've written a script to have a bot harvest my whole farm, but I still have to go pick everything up. Would love the bot to do both!

Just following up to say this is probably the next highest feature request, and on top of my mind. I'm thinking a me.collect API that makes the bot hoover up any debris within say 3 tiles (assuming it has the inventory space).

It's not going into today's update (which is mainly for fixing some things that were broken), but I expect it soon!