
Wrong Unicode rendering on TextDisplay?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I tried this on the console:


Specifically, to print the Unicode characters:

  • U+00B6: ⁋ ("paragraph" sign)
  • U+2592: ▒ (medium shade)

They render OK in the command line, but are rendered wrongly on the display, even if the source code seems to suggest otherwise ... any clue?

Can be also reproduced with the script:

print "⁋"
print "▒"

while 1
end while

We don't have those glyphs in the font, so you're certainly not going to see a paragraph symbol or medium-shade glyph.

However what you should see (and do see, in Mini Micro) is the question-mark-in-a-box "no glyph" symbol. I'm not sure why that's not happening, but it seems like a legitimate bug.