
Exiting a soda when in fullscreen leaves terminal in wrong resolution (Linux)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Note: this happens when running in fullscreen from a terminal (non X-server) console.


  • Raspberry Pi OS (Linux/Debian derivative)

Steps to reproduce:

  • Modify the test such that:
    1. It sets the window resolution to 640x480
    2. It exits when pressing the "Q" key
  • Switch to a terminal console by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2
  • Log in, navigate to the soda tests
  • Run the test
  • Enter full screen by pressing space
  • Exit the program by pressing Q


  • The user returns to the terminal and it has the same resolution as before


  • The user returns to the terminal, but it has a resolution lower than before

Executing clear on the terminal (blindly, because one cannot see what one's typing) restores the display to its correct resolution.

I did some more testing - it's indeed a matter of soda switching back to the original resolution (from which it was started) before exiting. If I change this programmatically and exit then the terminal text displays normally.

Alas, changing programmatically does not always work from within a soda program. It tends to stay stuck in some resolution often.